Narrative Essay About Blindfolding

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Narrative Essay

“Let’s see how well you do blindfolded,” was a statement uttered by my teacher that changed my life. This was said to me as a blindfold was placed over my head right before I was going to take a math test. I understand now that my teacher thought he was joking, but hearing peers laughter surrounding me while my teacher created an environment to allow them to do so was when I realized that no one there was on my side but me. I faced everyday sexism and racism all my life, not to mention having complicated social relations, but this was the turning point in my life as I can still see the memory as clear as day.
Most people have social issues and I am asked more often than I can ever really express on paper, "Why would you skip …show more content…

I joined a few clubs, actually worked for school, and most importantly, I actually learned in high school. As my identity, age, and therefore the criticism that is my shadow, was temporarily concealed, I was the happiest I have ever been. I had practically transformed from a shy girl without a clue about the real world to an assertive woman who took charge of her life. I started making decisions for myself, right and wrong, but they made me a person. I believe that a person is made up experiences and choices; up until that point I made no choices for myself nor did I have any experiences. Those experiences made me, for all intents and purposes, a person with a personality, likes, dislikes, and a whole lot of mistakes. Those mistakes, though, are what make me who I want to be. Academically, I am learning things. I actually have a reason to pay attention in class. I got my first B and, honestly, I have never been happier. I earned that grade and I have earned every one since. Sure there are teachers who told me to my face that I was making a big mistake and that it was a stupid decision, but it was worth it. I believe that I became who I dreamed I would would become as a

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