Naomi Shihab Nye

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People That Care Taking care of one another, an important attribute for humanity, which in the end makes the world a better place.When people look around them and then take away business, money, and fame all they have is each other. In that sense Naomi Shihab Nye wrote the poem “Shoulders.” A poem Naomi Shihab Nye presented a reason as to why people should take care of one another which she evidently displayed through imagery, metaphors, and assonance. Nye’s use of imagery provides a sense of direction,relation and a realistic take which gives part to the theme. At the start of the poem, Nye wrote, “A man crosses the street in the rain,” (1) which established not only the setting but a mood. “His ear fills up with breathing./ He hears the hum of the boy’s dream”(10-11) which shows how close, not just physically but figuratively, a parent and child are. To add on, “His son is asleep on his shoulder”(3) really gets the readers to look at the little things. It gives readers something that they can connect to. Naomi Shihab Nye illustrated the image of a father and son’s relationship of compassion and consideration through imagery. …show more content…

“This man carries the world’s most sensitive cargo”(6) telling the readers that a person is something very important and because of that, people must take care of each other. “Nowhere does his jacket say “FRAGILE,/ HANDLE WITH CARE”(8-9) by this Nye meant that thought of treating others with respect and kindness is something that people should never doubt in their minds. More forward, “The road will only be wide./ The rain will never stop falling”(17-18) presents the idea that bad things can still happen. Though if people unite together they can make the best out of a situation. The metaphors that presented themselves through Naomi Shihab Nye’s poem tie together the theme

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