Naomi Erlanger's Character In To Kill A Mockingbird '

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Out of all the characters in the book, I think Naomi Erlanger is a character that I think has changed outstandingly. At the start of the book, her personality was showed without a doubt to be a greedy person. She was greedy enough to care about no one's feelings, but Zach, what see thinks to be as her future boyfriend. She accompanied Zach in every despicable thing they did to Capricorn, and pranks that they set up. One time, Naomi sent fake love letters from a random name of Lorelei Lumley, sending Cap on a wild goose chase. Zach once placed a dead bird in Cap's locker, hoping for a priceless expression, but instead Cap calmly places the bird in the school garden, and has a funeral for the bird. That moment Naomi sees Cap and how sad he felt,

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