NASA Helps The Environment

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Space has been a mysterious place for a long time, The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was formed in response to the Soviets sputnik I and II in the July of 1958. On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon. NASA has made many accomplishments in the history of space travel, including contributing to most of the construction of the International Space Station (ISS). Even the Early man was interested in space, According to StarTeach Astronomy Education, In Neolithic Britain, Stonehenge was created to record the rising and setting of the moon and sun at the height of every season. Stonehenge was also capable of predicting a lunar eclipse, and the oldest stone in the center, called the Heel …show more content…

We will throw trash on the ground, burn wood and smoke cigarets but don’t realize that we are destroying our planet while doing that. Overpopulation, Pollution, Warfare, Global Warming, and other global issues are destroying our planet at an alarming rate. Space travel presents a way to deal will these problems. For example, if you take a closer look at what NASA does, you will realize that NASA is not just about rockets and space, according to the article, Top 5 Ways That NASA Helps the Environment by Julia Layton for HowStuffWorks, the author states “NASA does more in the Earth-sciences arena than many of us realize. And these days, that means environmental science. Once you get past the iconic, exhaust-filled image of shuttle liftoff, NASA is actually making significant contributions to the health of Earth and those who inhabit it. After all, NASA is part owner of one of the most impressive all-solar-powered residences in the universe.”. Julia’s point is that NASA does just as much in space as that do to the health of our home planet. She claims that NASA is not all about space …show more content…

The nomadic people thousands of years ago would explore new caves to see what is on the inside and looked out into the horizon wondering what that strange object is. Today, we still have that drive to explore those new places. This last reason is simply that we want to. Have you ever, as a kid, wanted to go to new places or discover and learn new things? That curiosity is the same curiosity that got Cristopher Columbus to the Americas and got Neil Armstrong and his team to the moon. However, some people will say that this curiosity will get us killed. This can be true sometimes, there are a lot of times where exploration got someone killed or hurt. Exploring is not safe, but exploring is one of the many things that make us human. Our brains have been wired to explore the unknown. Space travel is a new place for us humans to explore. Some people will say that this will never work or that will never happen, even in the beginning of aviation, Orville Wright once said”no machine will ever fly from New York to Paris. No known motor can run at the requisite speed for four days without stopping”. These negative quotes compel us to do better than before and better than everyone else. Wouldn’t you like to go to another planet and see what these new planets have to

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