NAEYC Code Of Ethics

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Codes of ethics is about decision-making, and codes of conduct is actions, represent two of the most common ways to self-regulate. There are many similarities for both codes they are similar because both attempt to encourage specific forms of behavior from people. Ethics guidelines attempt to provide guidance about values and choices to influence decision-making, whereas conduct regulations assert that some specific actions are appropriate or inappropriate. The differences are that codes try to regulate behavior in very different ways. Ethical standards generally are wide-ranging and non-specific, designed to provide a set of values or decision-making approaches that enables a person to make independent judgments about the most appropriate course of action. Conduct standards have little judgment and the code has a clear set of what is expected about what actions are accepted or prohibited. …show more content…

So from my opinion I think that the guidance approach and the core values in section 1 of the NAEYC code of ethical are similar because the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct offers guidelines for children to be responsible in their behavior and to set up a basis for teachers to resolve ethical dilemmas that will encounter in early childhood care and

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