My paper

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The name of the professional organization is the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND). AND was founded in 1917 as the American Dietetic Association in Cleveland, Ohio. The goals of AND are: 1) the public trusts and chooses registered dieticians as food and nutrition experts, 2) AND members improve the health of Americans, 3) members and prospective members view the Academy as vital to their success, and 4) members collaborate across disciplines with international food and nutrition communities. The mission of AND is to empower members to be the nation’s food and nutrition leaders. Objectives of AND are divided into subject matters related to aging, child nutrition, food and food safety, health literacy and nutrition advancement, medical nutrition therapy (MNT) and medicare/medicaid, nutrition monitoring and research, and obesity/overweight/weight management. The objects in the subject of aging for AND are to maximize the impact of the Older Americans Act, advance the idea of “healthy aging”, seek funds for nutrition studies, and develop and support programs and services for older adults, helping with the developing of sustainable and effective programs for the aged. In the area of child nutrition AND has objectives of improving nutrition in school food programs as well as within the WIC program, expand school wellness programs and improving outcomes. In the area of food and food safety, AND has objectives related to strengthening the ability of the government to ensure a safe food supply, provide accurate information about food to consumers and dietary supplements, improve consumer protections, and investing in nutrition education. In the area of health literacy and nutrition advancement, the objectives are to improve the nu...

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...cian in my area for an interview project for one class while I use the Evidence Analysis Library and Nutrition Care Manual for every assignment in my Medical Nutrition Therapy classes. I have also been able to take advantage of the Academy’s journal as well as the Food and Nutrition magazine. These two publications have allowed me to stay up to date on research, food products and trends so that I am better able to understand the changes in the field of dietetics while also understanding the more current information. Thus, I believe that it would be an excellent choice for me to continue on as an active member after becoming a registered dietician in the future as this will provide me with the ability to keep up with advancements in dietetics while also having the opportunity to actively engage in the communities I will be working within via networking opportunities.

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