My Writing Process Analysis

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Writing for me has always been a difficult task, mainly because I have never been good with words or how to begin writing my thoughts on paper. Writing essays have been one of my biggest horrors as a student. High school, English class prepared me for the basic editing of my essays, for example, spelling, font errors and basic grammar. This semester, I realized that the writing process requires more than just editing. I can certainly say that I have improved as a writer a great deal. English 102 was absolutely different from my other English classes; we actually focused on different types of writing style with the same topic uniquely. All assignments got me to think outside of the box and develop critical thinking skills. Furthermore, was …show more content…

As I look back to English 101 peer review was my most hated part of the class. The reviewer did not offer effective or helpful criticism (mainly stated 'great job'). However, in English 102 class, peer review was best effective because by editing peers work, you are learning to improve your own. For example, as I was reviewing one of my peer's essay I realized I needed new sources to strengthen my argument. Furthermore, understand how to create an emotional appeal in the essay. Taking that into consideration I began my introduction with " I gawked at him. I could feel my blood rushing to my face and my heartbeat going skyrocket. Did I hear the question right?" ( academic argument ). This emotional appeal not only gave my argument a great, eye catcher beginning but also a great summarized view of how society views women in technological careers. Similarly, while doing peer review during the multimodal project, I realized my conclusion was missing and more importantly she used the logo to get her point across and this point gave me some ideas to show women's logo to strengthen my argument regarding women in technology. Overall, the peer review I did in English 102 helped greatly compared to English 101, mainly because of the detailed questions that were on the

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