My Writing: My Epistemic Style

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According to Stephen North, writing is divided into five subcategories: cognitive, expressive, collaborative, epistemic, and political. I have never wanted to put my writing under an umbrella term such as these because my writing style tends to shift between different styles depending on what I write. For instance, when I was in high school, I wrote for the school newspaper for two years. Whenever I wrote articles, I would write objectively (unless if I was writing an editorial, in where I would write factually but with a clear sway that would support my argument) and precisely, using as few words as possible to make my points clearly and effectively. I had to also tie in current events to my articles, especially if I was writing for an important …show more content…

The definition for the epistemic style is noted as “writing as a means of understanding and creating knowledge which can change the purpose, plan, and concepts of reality.” But in my opinion, to an extent almost every writer does this and would be put in the same category of “epistemic writers”. Whether it is a fiction author, a journalist, a scriptwriter, or a teenager writing a science paper, they could all fall into the epistemic quality of writing; they all create realities with the words that they write. And I feel that this is one of the most fundamental aspects of writing, whether one writes factually or creatively; conveying a point to the reader and creating a reality in which that point can exist is crucial to the audience. Maybe I am misunderstanding the definition of epistemic and it’s not as far-reaching as I claim it is; or, maybe I’m just such an epistemic writer that I think everything is epistemic as a result. But I believe that many writers carry the epistemic quality to their writing, which is because it is very easy to fall into this category of

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