My Writing Experience

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In the memory that I can still remember, the first time I learned to read and write my primary language very seriously was about 11 years old. At that time, a series of novels are very famous during all ages of students. Each of my friends and I bought one of the series and exchanged to each other after reading ourselves. However, those novels are written for high school students. It was full of ancient poems. None of us understood their meanings; we just take care of the story’s drama. Of course, we tried to recite those ancient poems. However, it spent us too much time. And also, ancient poems are so boring for little kids. So soon after, my friends and I started to watching cartoons instead. But at that period, it was the greatest time to be with my friend. And for the …show more content…

I cannot really remember my first writing experience. The interesting things I still remembered about writing in Chinese are the writing exam and the stories written by my own. I was so worried about writing exam during my whole childhood. I had no idea about the topic. Because of this, I always cannot reach the Word Count Requirements. The solution I found is to write lyrics which are close to the topic and explain why use them. Thanks for this, today I can still remember some lyrics I loved. At the rest, my friends and I used to write our own story to have fun. Our characters’ names and the story’s drama look so strange and cannot understand today. Every time I memories those stories, I found how naïve I was and they are all my precious treasures now.
English is my second language. My home country, China, has a provision that every school must have the English class for every student. Also for the primary school, the class does not have to be very hard, but students need to take it every day. The English textbooks even appeared at 1980s.

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