My Virtual Child Project: The Birth Of Ivan Trejo

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My Virtual Child Project My virtual child experience began with the birth of Ivan Trejo. Throughout this journey I learned parents have great influence over their child before it’s brought into the world. For example, the biological parents determine their child’s genes that are passed down to them and the environment that impacts the child. With these factors in mind, it gave me a new perspective to parenting. I have adopted an authoritative parenting strategy to raise Ivan. Authoritative parents are parents who are firm, setting clear and consistent limits, but who try to reason with their child, giving explanation for why they should behave in a particular way. (Feldman, 2014). When raising Ivan, I made my decision based on previous encounters and positive results from authoritative strategies. The life of my virtual son, …show more content…

His life began three weeks earlier than I was than he was expected. This was a result of me having high blood pressure, premature dilation of the cervix, and taking a late maternity leave. These problems led me to being on bed rest for the next two months after his birth. At the last prenatal check, Ivan was showing some signs of distress and the doctor decided to induce my labor. Ivan’s early arrival came on the 20th of August at 5:52 p.m. Ivan’s weight was around 5 pounds and had an Apgar score of 6. An Apgar score is the standardized measurement system that looks for a variety of indications of good health in newborns (Feldman, 2014). Some factors that are analyzed are the appearance, pulse, reflexes, activity, and respiration of the newborn to determine their good health (Feldman, 2014). Using this scale, nurses

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