My Use Of Word Analysis

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Changing is, at times, an extremely difficult task to achieve. As I discussed in previous papers, we develop into the people we are through learning from life experiences, our communities, and those who have influenced us. Along the way, we change our paths in life depending on who we have decided we want to become. However, once you have established a specific behavior, pattern, personality, habit, etc., it can be near to impossible to change. A few years ago, I found myself in the habit of using the word “whool” instead of “well”. Every time this word slipped through my lips, it would find itself crawling under my mom’s skin. The sound of the word caused my mom to cringe, as she would blurt out, “STOP using that word!” I could physically see that the use of this word could turn her face red and her eyes would become wide. After many failed attempts at obliterating this poisones word from my vocabulary, she was finally successful. …show more content…

Every time I used “whool” instead of “well”, she would make certain that I was aware of what I just said. When she first began to indicate my excessive use of the word, I would become frustrated with her, believing that she was exaggerating. However, as time passed and she continually pointed out my choice in vocabulary, I began to understand what she was saying. I was over using this slang vocabulary word. Once I became open to idea of adjusting my use of the word and using the correct word, I began to catch myself at eh use of this word. Months passed as I began to hear every time I used this word. I would comment after I realized I used the word, repeating the difference between “whool” and “well” in my head. Eventually, I made a distinction between the two, erasing “whool” from my vocabulary and adopted the proper word,

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