My Trip To Guanajuato, Mexico

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Feeling frightened and lost, I never would have thought that a vacation would make me feel this way. It was the summer of 2008. I was just twelve years old when I decided I would go to Guanajuato, Mexico. I usually take vacations with my family, but this time I was put on a plane by my mom to go meet my aunt. When I was there, I stayed at her ranch. Guanajuato was a beautiful place in so many ways; unlike America, a lot of people walk instead of using cars, or use the public transportation. I was there two weeks. On the third day, we were walking around in a town that was close to my aunt’s ranch. We decided to stop by a store where they had so many clothes. My aunt then asked me, “Do you remember the way back to the bank?” I just said yes, …show more content…

I didn’t realize I had walked so far to the point that I didn’t even know my way back to the store. I was feeling scared. I wanted to cry because all I wanted was my aunt. I then reached a place with many trees, benches, and a lot of people walking or sitting down laughing, having a good time. There were people in different stands selling fruit, corn, and ice cream. I heard them scream, “Come get your fresh fruit!” or “Come get this delicious cup of corn for cheap!” But I was just so concerned about finding my aunt I couldn’t think about eating. I, unfortunately, didn’t own a cellphone to contact her, and I was too shy to talk to the people there because I didn’t even know the name of the bank. I just decided to stand there next to a stand where an old man that was selling corn; he approached me and asked, “Do you need help with something?” I started to feel a knot in my throat, and I just wanted to cry, but I did everything to hold it in and I told him, “I’m here because I’m lost, my aunt told me to meet her at the bank, but I don’t remember the way there.” He then offered me a cup of corn he had prepared with mayonnaise, cheese, lemon, and chili and told me, “Don’t worry, she will eventually pass by here; just be on the lookout.” I didn’t trust his word. He was a stranger to me. I was just thinking that she might not find me and leave, and I would just be living on the streets, and I wouldn’t see my family again. I felt so …show more content…

I got so excited, I just screamed at her. She approached me and said “Where were you why didn’t you meet me at the bank?” I then told her, “I thought I knew the way there, but when I realized didn’t know where I was. I ended up here with this nice man who helped me.” I introduced her to Pedro, my new friend. She told Pedro “Thank you for watching her for me, it was very nice of you to do that.” She then said it was time to go home, so I got up and thanked the man for being so kind and generous with me even though he didn’t know me. I reached over to give him a hug. He didn’t realize that while I was hugging him I sneaked a couple bills in a small cup where he kept the money, but I felt the need to help him even though he didn’t want it. I then left the town feeling so relieved, I didn’t feel frightened anymore because I was with my aunt and not lost in a place that was so strange for me. I also felt so happy to have met this man, and to this day when I go to Mexico every summer, I see him and he always receives me with a cup of his delicious corn and tells me, “ Are you lost again?” with a giggle. Unfortunately, in the summer of 2014 his wife passed away, so it’s just his kids and him. Pedro still doesn’t know that I keep sneaking money in the same plastic cup I did the time when I got lost in the summer of

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