My Soccer Game

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There are certain moments in your life where you choose to pause and take a mental picture to help you remember every detail. For me, this moment took place on the sideline of my sixth grade championship soccer game. As a child, I was never drawn to soccer as a sport. I started playing when I was five for the sole purpose of playing with my friends during the weekdays. I did not even begin liking soccer until three years later when I was eleven. But even though my feelings about it changed, one thing about my soccer career always remained the same. My dad attended every single game. He stood in the scorching hot with lemonade and oranges. He stood in the freezing cold with hot chocolate and marshmallows. He would cheer me on for every little move I made during my games. It was through my soccer career that I began to understand and appreciate all of the sacrifices that my dad has made for my sake. Although it was not my favorite, soccer was a huge part of my childhood. Like many kids, I began playing at a very young age. I would run around in circles on a field that was one-fourth of the regulation size and attempt to shoot into a miniature popup goal. My dad was always there sitting …show more content…

I had on my bright sapphire blue uniform. I drew blue war paint on my face and sprayed my hair blue. I was excited to say the least. This was a huge day for me. I had worked so hard to be there and I could not wait to get the game started. As we arrived, my dad mentioned that my friend’s mom was going to drive me home from the game because he had to go to a meeting. I gave my dad a perplexed look and said, “wait…you’re not staying for the game”? I was heartbroken. My dad had become my good luck charm. He came to every game and stood beside the flock of soccer moms and cheered me on, even when I was on the bench. He said he did everything he could to get out of the meeting, but that meant nothing to me. As childish as it sounds for a sixth grader, I needed my

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