My Rhetorical Analysis

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Throughout my time in English 1101 I have learned a lot about myself as student and a writer. I learned that I am a very slow writer, and that is because I am very critical of my own writing. I am a slow writer because I am so critical of myself, I often will stop writing because I cannot think of a way to transition from one paragraph to another. I have learned that I am bad at planning for large assignments that will take a lot of time. I often found that I was working for over an hour on a paper the night that it is due. The educational narrative was one of the most difficult assignments for me this year. I spent more time thinking of what to write than I spent actually writing the essay. In the end I made up an fake story to write about …show more content…

I felt that this was the first essay that I had something tangible to write about which made starting it very easy. I think that the most difficult part of this paper was the page requirement, most of what I had to say could have been said in fewer words. I had to drag out everything in the rhetorical analysis, I also went a lot deeper into the history of the speech than I think that I needed to. My personal method of writing papers was very simple. I would spend some time just thinking about how I wanted the paper to be structured. I will admit that the first paragraph always took as long to write as the rest of essay. When I finally finished the essay I would read over it and run it through paper rater. When it came to the research paper I did almost all of my research before I ever started the paper. I would look up information as needed it from that point on.
The best part of the class was the peer editing assignments, I found that they were the most beneficial and entertaining assignments in the entire class. The most I learned about my writing was when I read what the peer editors had to say about them. Peer editors were also able to catch mistakes that paper rater was couldn’t. I personally enjoyed editing other people's papers, it was entertaining to read their stories. The only peer editing that I did like was the summary, I don’t think that I had enough time to edit the paper as closely as I wanted

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