Personal Stereotypes: Personal Experience

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My Experience High school it was, surrounded by people who are different in many ways but also confused with who they really are. A group of people who tended to be at the same stage in life according to Erickson’s psychosocial development. For me it was a bit challenging in regards to the fact that I felt alone being who I was. Everyone was caught up in a different lifestyle, so there existed many groups with peers who shared similar interest and having fun being who they rare. On the other hand, others trying to fit in. Being for the fact that they are different, perhaps they knew who they were but did not have peers who shared such similarities. I was among that group who was reserved, I became an introvert and felt lost so my ego pushed me to try and fit in. I grew up in a Christian home where everything that was done was based off biblical principles. This helped me to find who I was, but being surrounded by so many peers with different stereotypes it influenced mental frustration and I felt that I needed to change who I really am and adopt to their …show more content…

I started walking in groups with boys who tend to bring out the worst in me because I was trying to fit in and be normal. The way I approached certain situation changed, even in my home. My mother, Father and Grandmother were always there. They often encourage me to do well. My mother would say “sometimes in life you have to stand out in the crowd, be different”. Even though they didn’t know about my challenges, it was really inspiring and I trusted them. So the battle in my mind was raging and I started to really think about things and evaluate what’s wrong from right. I have to be who I am because I will never free from mental captivity. So I dropped what I’ve started slowly. It was a challenge because I didn’t want to seem weak but I founded strength in who I am so I

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