My Naturalistic Observation

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While completing my Naturalistic Observation, I set out to study human emotions. Emotions fascinate me because they are an essential aspect of life and they play a critical role in way people think and behave. Emotions allow individuals to express themselves which creates a unique personality for everyone. Facial expressions have a strong correlation with people’s emotions. They are one of the best ways to understand how a person is feeling by portraying emotions of happiness, sadness, anger, fear, and disgust. Many of these emotions are unpleasant and can be difficult to express. There are times when our strongest emotions hide behind other emotions because they can represent our deepest fears and it is scary to express them. My Naturalistic Observation focuses on the study of a positive emotion, happiness, and how it is indicated through facial expression. Smiling is a facial expression that is often associated with the emotion of …show more content…

Even if not all the smiles were genuine, the women were shown to be more expressive of their emotions to the cashier. I only observed the interaction between the customer and the cashier a couple of times. I remember when the cashier greeted one women by saying, “Hello, How are you? Do you have your shoprite card with you today?” and the women smiled, continued the conversation, and replied, “Hi, I’m doing great! How are you?” as she handed the cashier her shoprite card. If I had observed the genuinity of all of the smiles, this woman I observed would count as genuine. If this is any example of how the other women treated the cashier, I would consider the women to be overall more willing to reciprocate positive emotions. My results favored the women as smiling more when greeted by another person which tells me that the question I set out to answer is logical and can be replicated by future

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