Understanding Personal Strengths: Self, Language, and Social

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Through taking the assessment I learned that my top 3 strengths are social, language, and self. (Literacynet, 2016) My strongest strength was knowledge of self, scoring a 4.43. (Literacynet, 2016) People who have this strength enjoy alone time to think things through. They also like working on projects by themselves, learning through “trial and error”. My second strongest strength was language, scoring a 4.14, (Literacynet, 2016) this is basically saying people with this strength have a love for words, seeing them in books, writing and talking, even story telling. My last of my three strengths was social, scoring a 4.13, (Literacynet, 2016) meaning people with this skill like to talk and have good “social” skills, and like talking to and learning from others. These results remind me a lot of results with the self assessment, of which I had the INFJ type. This correlates very closely with those results when compared side by side. INFJ types are introverted yet social. This makes me do a side by side comparison of the two results. Through doing this I was able to spot the similarities immediately. For example, my highest scoring strength was strength of self, which closely correlates to the “I” of the INFJ type of …show more content…

(Literacynet, 2016) You could also correlate this to the feeling aspect of the INFJ results from our previous test. People with the social strength enjoy meeting new people, interacting with others, and like to speak and talk to people. This is me, while I am introverted, and would rather be at home, I also have this uncanny ability to be able to find something with anyone to talk about. I tend to make people feel at ease with me, and can find some thread of commonality with people to start up a conversation. I can see why the previous test we took labeled INFJ as one of the most complex types. We are complicated in the respect that we want to be by ourselves and social at the same

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