My Mentor Experience

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What have you learned about yourself through your service learning opportunities? My experience with College Mentors for Kids has taught me more about myself than any other volunteer experience. This program has taught me how to be patient, how to handle emergencies, and how to work with individuals in various aspects. Grant, a fourth-grader, is the student who I have had the pleasure of mentoring for the past three years. This opportunity has allowed me to understand and practice what bonding with a student truly is all about. Being a vice president has allowed me the experience of being in charge of 60 additional students, which has been one of the most challenging, yet rewarding leadership positions that I have ever had. I have learned that …show more content…

My best buddy, Rachel (62 years old), lives in a group home due to her various disabilities. We benefit society each time we go out in public because we show individuals our friendship and positivity. Often times, people think that Rachel is my grandma and by stating that we are just good friends, people ask us questions, which leads us to informing them of best buddies! Every door we enter, Rachel is constantly introducing me to employees and being sweet to every customer she sees. Best buddies benefits society because it shows that individuals with disabilities can do anything they set their mind to. If Rachel came into my store while I was working, I know that my day would be completely turned around. Society is blessed with witnessing our friendship and …show more content…

I expected the position to be challenging, but I had no idea that I would have to deal with as many situations as I have this year. Although this position has been extremely rewarding because of all of the students, it is much more challenging than I had originally expected. My actual experiences have been completely different than I expected due to several students misbehaving every week. This position is fun, but the stress makes it much less enjoyable than I had anticipated. My mentoring experience with Grant was much better than I expected it to be during the first two years. However, this year is completely different because he has a tough time following directions. I have learned that an individual’s actual experience may be completely different than the expected experience and this has taught be to remain flexible at all

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