My Last Duchess Essay

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“My Last Duchess” by Ferrara

In this poem, A Duke is speaking of his last wife the Duchess. He has a picture behind a curtain he draws for those he chooses to see his wife. The Duke is a very proud man with “…a nine-hundred-years-old name” (line 33) and seems to imply the past was beneath him. The entire piece filled with his arrogance towards his wife in speaking with a second person who not identified directly, but reference given to have the reader draw the conclusion it could be a possible next wife. The Duke speaks of a dowry in line52 and the entire conversation takes the air of a warning about what can happen when the Duke is not obeyed, “…I gave commands;” (line 45). From the start, there is a reference to her being unfaithful. The painter of the portrait, Fra Pandolf is in question as there is portrayed an abundance of joy even in the picture that …show more content…

She was a young bride who did not consider her status and did not behave appropriately for her title. She was seen on “the white mule. She rode around the terrace.” (28,29) taking favors plucked from his own trees an “officious fool broke in the orchard for her.” (27,28) It not only was not appropriate to be on a mule rather than a proper horse but for her to take a “gift” of cherries stolen from the Duke’s own orchard was beneath her. The Duchess should have been at least annoyed but even angry that the cherries were taken and acted appropriate for her station seeing that he was punished for stealing. The Duchess flirted and smiled at all and was seen overly thankful with men, “…She thanked men,-good! But thanked somehow-I know not how…” (31, 32). The Duchess carried on with all, did not save a smile only for her husband, and treated all equally, “Oh Sir, she smiles, no doubt, Whene’er I passed her; but who passed

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