My Galiano Experience

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Was the training and painful uphills for Galiano, worth it? Galiano is a compacted four-day camp filled with tough physical challenges. The two main activities were biking and running. Both were tough mentally and physically. These activities were done with hard work being applied. When hard work is being applied you can accomplish anything. The ride to Bodega was one the toughest and fulfilling rides that I have been on during my brief biking experience. On the way to the beginning of the steep and long hill was not terrible as it was mostly downhill. Now going up those long hills was a different story. I felt that it was never-ending. Although I never hopped off my bike and walked, I did take breaks. I kept pushing to keep pedalling and reminding myself that …show more content…

I felt a rush of relief and joy while speeding down the hills. When I found out that it was cardiac hill, my heart started beating fast. I assumed that I would take forever to reach the end, but I did satisfactorily. The first time running up, it seemed it was a long way left. Once I arrived at the end, I was heavy breathing with sweat dripping down the side of my head and I could feel how red my face was. When I was told that we were going to run it a second time, I was determined to push harder and receive a better time. A mental block was stopping myself from reaching the finish line faster. On the way down, I did not feel it was as long as I had believed. The second time up my goal was to improve my time I pushed to not stop even when my legs were hurting and I was breathing heavily. In the end, my time was faster by forty seconds. When I finally made it to the end, I wanted to pass out, but I know that means that I pushed more than the first time. Something that kept me going was reminders to strive for the goals that I had set. If I did not attain the goals, I would have felt disappointed in

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