My First Visit to a Barbershop

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Immediately I acknowledge that things were differently, this was not your conventional hair salon. It was widely divergent from most places I’ve been to. People didn’t just get their hair cuts, this is where they mingle. I struggled to find a parking spot in a tiny lot just off the highway; minutes went by as I sat in my car waiting for a parking spot. It was 6 minutes later, that a black Cadillac, with nice wheels and tint, backed out and I was finally able to park. The barbershop is located in an area too small to be considered a strip mall-and apparently too small to handle all of its customers' vehicles. Once I found a parking spot, I was ready to begin my observation of the Starz barbershop. I walked into Starz hesitantly, looking for a corner seat. Air coming through the open door chilled the shop's interior, which was teeming with customers just fifteen minutes after the shop had opened. The stares from those already seated in the shop's green plastic chairs along the right wall, as well as from those getting haircuts frightened me a bit. It looked as if I didn’t belong. Th...

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