My First Group Session

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Similar to our first group session, the focus for our second group session was on personal growth. After reviewing our group norms that were created on the first day of class, we were ready to begin our session. For this session, the group norms were printed out on a handout and placed near our group at the front of the room. The group process consists of five stages which are pregroup stage, initial stage, transition stage, working stage, and final stage. (Corey, Corey & Corey, 2014). Our second group session was in the transition stage. According to Corey et al., during the transition stage, the leader’s tasks is to help members learn how to begin working on the concerns that brought them to the group (Corey et al., 2014). Also, during this …show more content…

Wallace, reviewed our homework from our previous session. For our assignment, we were to share the responses that we received from significant person in our life after they reviewed our answers from the icebreaker activity and how we felt about the response that was given. The majority of the group shared positive responses from they’re special person, however, there were a few group members who felt their bit of negativity from their special person. Dr. Wallace taught us understand that it’s ok to receive negative feedback and not everyone will agree with the choice that you make in life. Our next activity from Dr. Wallace was to list twenty things that we would like to do that we haven’t done yet; similar to a bucket list. On the back of the sheet, types that you can add next to your activity which included if the activity required money, something you can do right away, something you can do within a five year timeframe, something you wish you could’ve done in the past, something you can do with a spouse/significant other and/or group, something you would prefer doing alone, and something that may require training. We were asked by our group leader to pick out the one thing that stood out the …show more content…

The Adlerian theory focuses on the individual’s goals toward success and dealing with tasks in life and the Existential theory focuses on the present and what one is becoming (Seligman & Reichenberg, 2010). Creating our twenty activities and reviewing how we felt about our significant other’s responses mirrors both the Adlerian and Existential theories’ goals. The therapeutic factors that were present during the group session were instillation of hope and cohesiveness (The American Group Psychotherapy Association, 2007) We encouraged each other to remain positive and hopeful when listing our twenty activities relates to universality and identifying similarities brought on a sense of cohesiveness amongst the group. At the end of the group session, Dr. Wallace gave us a homework assignment. She asked us to complete our activity list. I’m excited to complete my list and inspired. I’m a firm believer of vision boards and goal list. I believe the more you see your goals, the more likely you will complete them. To close our sessions with completing a quote that was given by Dr. Wallace which encourage us to recognize our greatest strength; I chose my faith as my biggest

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