My Experience Of Failure And Coppell High School

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No one likes to experience failure, but it is something everyone experiences, and only some people can beat. There are little failures like when you get a bad grade on a test you studied for, and their are big failures like when you miss a game winning shot with .2 seconds left, no matter how big the failure you have to react to them the same way, by getting back up and keep going. I have experienced a lot of failures in my seventeen years on this earth, and I will probably experience a lot more in my life, but those failures taught me about what kind of person I am, the kind of person who doesn’t give up, the kind of person who perseveres through failure to achieve the success waiting at the end of the road. One of my more recent failures taught me about not giving up and pushing myself to do the best I can, even when it seems impossible. Basketball is one of the most important things in my life, and Coppell High School is known for having a not-so-great girls basketball team. After working hard the summer going into my Junior year, I felt as though we were finally going to change that reputation, and finally have a good season. It wasn’t until after our first game I realized how wrong I was, I had gotten better, but so had the competition. At first losing game after game after game took away my motivation to improve, I felt down and wanted to just give up. This type of …show more content…

Constantly losing and not getting any recognition for all the hard work I thought I had put in drove me crazy. It wasn’t until the end of the season, only

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