My Educational Journey

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I can confidently say that education is one of the most important things to me. Discovering the world of science, math, government, and literature though schooling is the most impactful venture I have ever embarked on. Admittedly, appreciating my education isn't something that came naturally to me. But, through the study of more advanced and challenging coursework, I have gone from a lax understanding of the importance of education to a point where I am hungry for every page of information in the textbook. I began the educational journey of high school as a nervous freshman. To say that I hated school or that I was more interested in athletics than academics would be untrue; I was dedicated to my grades. But that was it. Grades mattered, knowledge didn't. And unfortunately, that's the standard that the education system demands of impressionable students. Get a 4.0, take AP classes, don't turn assignments in late, and be valedictorian. I glazed over the rich history of early America and the beautiful complexities of algebra because I was concerned …show more content…

This class was not like the others I had taken up to that point- it was difficult. Trigonometry was a mystery to me, and I found myself in the uncomfortable position of not being able to breeze through the material. I was forced to dig into the textbook, watch online tutorials, and get help outside of class. And as I pushed myself to dig deeper- to learn about the sine ratio, radians, and the unit circle- something clicked. If I put effort into school, I got much more than a few letters on a report card in return. Homework gradually became an opportunity to learn, instead of a chore. Experiments taught me about the natural world, instead of being an assignment. School transformed into an environment of mystery, discovery, appreciation- a place where I could challenge myself and be rewarded with

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