My Daughter Compare And Contrast Essay

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My daughter Myla Jane and her cousin Braelyn Jade are different in appearance and attitudes, yet are the same in the things that they enjoy and their daily routine of everyday life. When you look at the two girls, you can’t tell by their looks that they would be anything alike. Although they are a lot different in looks, they do share similarities. When seeing these girls at a back-to-back view, the only things that you would find to be similar are their enjoyment of the same things and their routine they follow throughout the day. Putting my daughter Myla and my niece Braelyn side by side, you wouldn’t be able to tell that they are cousins. Myla is long, measures thirty inches long. Braelyn is short, only reaching twenty-seven inches long. Myla is also very lean without an inch of fat on her body, other than one roll on each leg. Brae Brae on the other hand, is the total opposite when it comes to fluffy rolls on the legs. She has so many rolls that I couldn’t count them if I had to. She has cankles and you can barely see her wrists when you look for them. If this doesn’t seem to be enough of a difference in them, their hair adds to it. Myla has short, thick, blonde hair. Braelyn has long, thin, brown hair. That is one of the first things people say when they are around both babies at the same time. Aside from the clear appearance, another way that the girls differentiate is their attitudes. The attitudes that they have are more night and day than the way that …show more content…

The two cousins are pretty much a black and white sheep from their looks, but when their daily lives and likes are put into perspective, they do have similarities. From their different looks, to their similar love for certain TV shows, they can be compared in several ways, similar and different. They show so much love that the differences in their looks don’t even stick out much to me

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