My Clinical Experience

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My experience in the hospital for my first clinical was very exciting. It brought back the memories I had of when I used to work in the emergency department in high school. Although the unit that I was on is not as fast pace as it was when I worked in the emergency department, I did enjoy the environment.

The first time I walked into my patient’s room to care for them, I was a little worried that my patient would deny me to be there nurse and ask for someone who was not a student or someone with more experience. I thought that they would say something to extent of them not wanting a student to be taking care of them. But to my surprise she was very happy to have a student nurse.

When I performed an injection for the first time, I was extremely nervous. All I kept thinking was “I can’t mess this up… if I mess this up I’m screwed”. But it turned out to not be as bad as I thought it would be. My instructor walked me through what I was supposed to do prior to giving the injection and she also reassured me, which really helped me to remain, calm. The only difficultly I had was using the safety part on the needle. I couldn’t figure how to use it. But my instructor showed me to pull the top of the needle all the way up. My patient told me that I had did a great job and that she didn’t even feel a thing. Just hearing that comment made me feel more confident about giving another patient an injection. …show more content…

In addition to that, I didn’t feel very confident with completing my care plan correctly. I had to consult with other people on how to exactly do some parts on the care plan. It was also a little overwhelming to have to understand my patients’ diagnoses and why they were diagnosed with what they were diagnosed

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