My Childhood Obstacles

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In my childhood I have had a lot of obstacles, stress, and life lessons. An obstacle I had to overcome was dealing with family problems. With everything so violent I would normally just leave or something, but I didn’t want it to happen at all. So, I would try to break it up and have them just leave each other alone. It never really worked, but after it happening over and over, my way of getting over it was to not care as much. I don’t really care if my brother stays in my life, in the 17 years he's been around, he has not done much but cause problems. In the time he was gone, I enjoyed the peace. As a child, I learned from my dad and my brother. Honestly, I am glad I'm not like them, they taught me that when you don’t work for what you want and you go hangout with people that are doing the same; then you will not make it to where you want to be. Also, that anyone can make it out of a slump but not everyone can stay out. I intend to stay out of slumps, and to get out and stay out if I do go into one. But regardless I will not end up like my brother, not going to follow in his …show more content…

In good and bad ways, but the first, my old neighbors were always there for anything. From letting us borrow some milk to helping us make my brother leave, to letting me stay the night and so on. They are some extraordinary people, they always cared; we would always get together and have a good time. Like one time our neighbors had friends over and they were drinking. Wesley, me and a few other were bouncing on the trampoline making fun of them. We made them kind of mad, so they go on and they were trying to wrestle with us. We would gang up on them one at a time. Eventually we grabbed pillows and had a war, it was really fun. I guess we mad them a little to mad, they were hitting kind of hard with the pillows so we started to run. It was hilarious watching them run after us since they couldn’t catch us. I have had a lot of good times with

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