My Catholic Experience

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Ever since I was born I’ve been going to church every Sunday and since 1st grade going to catechism every week. I have lived and breathed Catholicism for 18 years now. I have never attended a Catholic school, but I am still 100% Catholic and I would not change my religion for anything. Being Catholic is not easy, but it is all worth it. Through the countless times of me going over prayers, the rosary, scriptures and many more it was such a long process but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Being Catholic isn’t easy and although it was something that I was unwillingly guided towards, I do not regret a minute of it. Throughout all of my 18 years I’ve learned about many bible stories and I am still learning. The most important thing I have learned is …show more content…

Nobody wanted rules behind them about what they could and could not do. I am sure many people have been in my boat, trying to figure out every little thing about the bible. Researching bible quotes, just trying to figure everything out and trying to make sense of everything. But some people just aren’t like that, I’ve witnessed people questioning their Catholicism wondering if it is even real or not. As I went through the process of confirmation last year, I questioned many things to myself because I was so confused and there was so much going on. Why do we HAVE to go to church every Sunday? Why do we kneel every five seconds? Shouldn't it be our choice if we believe in certain things or not? Do we really receive the body and blood of Christ? What is going on? I assumed everything for so long until I got to the process of confirmation and I realized I had to figure everything out for my own. I started digging into my faith. This was when I realized my faith was no longer the choice of my family, but it was now my own choice to seek the

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