Musical Autobiography

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Beginning three years ago, my mom takes me to new york city every June. My mom is a tattoo artist and has to travel a lot for work, so she takes me on this trip so she is able to spend more time with me. Going to New York with my mom makes me feel special because she takes only me (the oldest) out of my siblings. We have visited Times Square, the Empire State building, broadways shows, and more. This special time with her makes me realize how lucky I am to have a mom that cares about me and to cherish every second we spend together. Every time we arrive in New York, I am taken aback by the different sights and smells. Garbage litters every street, and hot dog stands pop up here and there. As we walk by different restaurants I can smell every appetizing aroma. I smell freshly baked pastries, Ball Park hot dogs, pretzels from street cars, mixed with gas fumes …show more content…

Each year we see a new Broadway musical. The first year we went, we saw Lion King. The costumes were explosions of color. The next year we saw Wicked. The songs from that musical were so catchy, and I sung them for weeks once we left. The most recent musical we went to was The Book of Mormon. I liked this musical but my mom and I were taken aback by the countless dirty jokes! While my mom would work, I visited Times Square. Times Square is lively, colorful, and always moving. I shopped for hours and hours along the million miles or stores. I saw fake designer bags and strange men trying to sell me their mixtapes. The Square was so loud. We also visited the Empire State Building. The elevator ride lasted way too long, but the sight at the top was so worth it. I could see forever. Buildings dotted the foreground of the Hudson River. We then once visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The museum was huge and held millions or ancient artifacts and pieces of art. Throughout each trip, I feel so lucky that I am able to do and see these incredible new

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