Musical Autobiography

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If you come to Gaston Christian School on a school day, you will hear a song among the hall way. That is me. I treasure music as my life.
The first time I remembered I got in touch with music was a summer in 2000. On a day of that year, my mom took me to a instrument store. That store was large, and I ran around to find something fun. As I ran by a practice room, all a sudden, I heard a beautiful piano piece that came out from there. At that time, that piece of music interested me so much that I, a 3 years old kid, was easily motivated by that. I wanted to learn music. I wanted to listen songs as pretty as that. So I begged my mom: “ Please mom, buy me some CDs. Please!” And surprisingly, she agreed. From the CDs my mom bought, I heard a lot of songs such as Ludwig van Beethoven's Piano Sonata “No. 8 in C minor”, August Wilhelmj's “Air on the G String” and Frédéric Chopin's “Polonaise”. The more I heard, the more I enjoyed it. So I started to save my pocket money seeking for other melodies and that started my love in music, especially in instrumental music. …show more content…

He is the greatest and the best composer. It was my 9th-grade year, while I was aimlessly looking for songs on Sound Cloud, I accidentally clicked on one of his song called “Luv letter”. This song is absolutely amazing. Mr. Okawari used the soothing, gentle rhythm and the light, dynamic notes to give the listener a sweet scene from a love story: “A girl walks towards the boy she loves, shyly takes out her love letter and hands it to him.” Oh, My heart was strongly impacted by it. The great combination of electronic drum and piano he used is legendary! Now, Dj Okawari becomes my favorite composer. His song is one of the biggest influences in my trip of

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