Teaching Principles of Agriculture: An Observation Study

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On Tuesday, November 10th I visited Mrs. Ewell at Hearne High School. The first class I observed was her second period Principles of Agriculture class. She has 9 students in this class including 1 new student that arrived today. In total there are 6 boys and 3 girls. The new student was obviously very nervous, but Mrs. Ewell was very accommodating and welcoming towards him. The class started by the students answering their daily challenge questions. What part of the flower attracts bees and other pollinators? What part of the flower supports the anther? What part of the flower holds the ovules? Every Monday the students get new vocabulary words, and their challenge questions always relate to those vocabulary words. I really liked the way Mrs. Ewell created a fun way for the students to remember the meaning of each word. …show more content…

Ewell had to get on to 1 of the boys for continuously making racist comments. She made him settle down by making him her assistant for today’s lecture over flower dissection. It seems as though Mrs. Ewell has not really found a classroom management strategy that works for this class. The students were not out of control, but if they were a little less rowdy, more could have been accomplished. She did not put much force into making the students participate. Although this is frustrating, I think it is a good decision because some days that may not be a battle worth fighting. I admire that Mrs. Ewell took the time today to do a hands-on lab with the students. I know she can get irritated with their behavior at times, but I could definitely tell they enjoyed today’s flower dissection. It gave them a chance to relate the vocabulary words they have been using to live flowers. The only thing I would do differently with the flower dissection is make sure to mention the safety precautions necessary when dealing with the sharp

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