Moving To The Farm

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I have lived in West Fargo for about all my life up until we moved to Sabin five years ago. One day my mom wanted horses and then we bought the stable, Five Star Stables, and had horses. When my mom bought the farm it was used as a horse boarding stable, and left it that way. From then on I had to adjust from life in the city to live in the country fast. Living on the farm has had an important influence on my life. For example, it was a growing experience, I learned new things, it is peaceful, and the farm is special to me in many ways. Moving to the farm was a growing experience for everyone in my family. The transition for us moving was a big experience for everyone. My parents wanted my sister, Alexus, and I to experience life on …show more content…

Living with one bathroom was difficult at first to adjust. We went from four bathrooms to just one in a matter of a few months. When I wake up in the morning to use the bathroom to get ready we had specific times for each person. In the bathroom there isn’t enough room for more than one person to move around in there. Now when our family uses the bathroom we are pretty good about not taking our time and getting done and out with what we are doing fast. We normally just yell at each other when they are taking too long. I also had to learn how to share everything with my family. For example, I had to also adjust to using one television, and also picking up all of my stuff and not just leaving it laying around. We rarely cooked when we lived in town. My family used to go out every night and not sit down at the dining table to eat as a family. Since we have lived on the farm we have cooked almost every night. I also have learned how to ride horse since we have been here. I learned how to ride Western and Dressage style riding. We have learned how to take care of our animals as well. It taught me how to be responsible for what I have. My mom would have us each take turns with who fed the horses for the night after school was done. I would make feed and my sister would bring the horses in for the night. I also learned how to muck stalls and drive the tractor …show more content…

It was a growing experience for everyone. My family and I fought horribly for the first year and have lived here for almost five years. At first it was rough to adjust and now we have got the swing to it. Living on the farm is special to me, because we have a large support network now. We get together on holidays, go on trial rides together, have bonfires, and see each other each time they come out. These people include, boarders and employees. The boarders are the ones who have horses. I go out to the barn to socialize with these people almost every time I am home. I share my feelings and life with the boarders and we do tons of things with them. Most of the time we go out to eat after riding horse. The employees became really close to all of us living here. They are like extended brothers and sisters. The boarders and employees have become like family. Living here has also been special to me because it has helped me build as a person. By moving here it has helped me grow as a person. For example, I have learned how to work for what I want, I am more sociable than and not as quiet as what I was, and I also have learned how to take care of my animals. The farm is special to me because I have lived in the city most of my life and this has been a major life

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