Mother's Dinner Menu

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On the Monday after Mother’s Day, I will be hosting a Mother’s Day dinner party in honor of my mom Julia and my sister Gabby. I am hosting this because my mom is the best mom in the world and my sister is a young, learning mother. The dinner party will take place at my home at 7 p.m. For an appetizer I will be serving a fresh Caesar salad. The salad will consist of a crisp lettuce mix, sliced red onions, black olives, pepperoncini, and tomatoes, because despite the fact that I do not like them, my mom and sister love them. The Olive Garden brand dressing will be added because it is a family favorite, and fresh Parmesan cheese along with black pepper will be added for taste. Croutons will be served on the side, seeing being that my sister and I are the only ones that like them. …show more content…

The chicken breasts will be pounded between sheets of plastic wrap until they’re ¼” thickness, then seasoned with salt and pepper. Oil will be heated in skillet then the seasoned chicken breasts will be added. Once the breasts are lightly browned, mushrooms and dry Marsala wine will be added to the skillet and stirred with the chicken pieces. After the mushrooms and chicken breasts simmer they will be distributed together on a serving plate with the excess sauce from the skillet poured over top. The potatoes will be prepared in a large pot of boiling water. They will be boiled until soft, then next the water will be drained. After draining the water the potatoes will be combined with milk, garlic, butter, salt, and pepper. After being mixed to the desired consistency it will be served alongside the chicken

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