Most Successful Artwork

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The most successful thing about my artwork was the graphic design and the photographs that I displayed. I liked the feedback I got from people about all the artworks, which made them all successful. The joy of people understanding and reviewing the artworks was interesting and this made each artworks successful in the exhibition. I most proud of all the works seeing the art works on wall made me reminisce when I first came in as a freshman. Comparing and contrasting the work I did then I could see the difference and the changes, which as happened during my course of learning in college, and how it as influenced me as an artist. I was proud to see the artworks, which showed the path I am going as an artist. The biggest obstacle I have overcome so far is the fear of people not getting the message I am passing across in my artworks. As a graphic designer, one of the aim of my artworks is to pass across a message to bring awareness to dynamic topic, event and products. I used to focus on my expectation of people getting the central message of my artwork. This made me to forget …show more content…

I was trying to follow this concept but one of the artwork I exhibited did not match this concept. Therefore, this made it one of my least successful artwork because it not fit the theme of the exhibition. To improve this I would make sure the pixel of my artworks would match the print size. In order, to get the correct resolution in the final print, which displayed in any space. I would also work with the theme better I would make sure the artworks all relate to one another to make the artworks arrangement and display more thoughtful and neat. I would also work on the review and critique I got from the audience, the diverse artist who use different mediums and professors. All the feedback's I got is something I would work on to help improve my

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