Morrie 'Aphorisms Learn To Forgive Others'

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Aphorisms that have effected me "Your not a wave, your part of the ocean" "Learn to forgive yourself and to forgive others" "Don't let go too soon, but don't hang on too long" Have you ever read a book that has truly affected you, or made you question the way you live your life? What about a book that has made you really want to change the way you think and take on life? Morrie Schwartz, an old college professor suffering from ALS, looks at life through a totally different view then most people today. Morrie faces life with a positive outlook even though he is facing death. He cares about his family and friends, but he could care less about fortune and fame. Morrie had aphorisms that he created about his life, and he used these to teach …show more content…

This affected me because I see so many people today who blame themselves for everything, and never forgive themselves. For example, someone I was close to lost their mother in a car accident. Previously, they had been in an argument and when her mother left the house she never told her that she loved her, and I can remember her blaming herself for the car accident, however, when she finally forgave herself and realized that it wasn't her fault she was able to cope with the loss of her mother. This aphorism also affects me because I have made mistakes in the past, and I would begin to blame myself, and even worse, I would blame others. In this case, I finally forgave myself for the mistakes I had made in the past, and it helped to forgive the people who I had blamed for my mistakes. Lastly, this aphorism affects me because it tells people that they have to learn to forgive. It helped me to realize that I don't have to forgive myself and someone immediately, but I can learn to and teach myself to so that one day I can! Conclusively, this aphorism was very meaningful to me. All of Morrie's aphorism's affected me, but the message that this aphorism gets across is very important to …show more content…

This quote affected me because if you let go to too soon then you may miss out on a chance in something. For example, I have watched so many of my friends miss out on opportunities, whether it be in a relationship, friendship or something else, because they let go when something gets complicated, but if they would just hold on through the rough times they would realize that holding was worth it. On the other hand, this aphorism taught me that if you hang on too long then you may miss out on something! I know that many times I have hung on to my past whether it be a past friendship or boyfriend, and I missed out on something better that was coming along for me. Finally, this aphorism taught me that I needed to find the balance between hanging on and letting go. In my life, I plan on using this aphorism to help teach me the balance between the two, so I can become the best version of myself that I can be! The importance of this quote cannot be explained through the three little ways it has affected me! I cannot explain how important I think this quote

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