Morality In The Tragedy Of Macbeth

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Without moral discipline, anarchy would arise - boundary, order, and control would cease to exist. Every day, humankind is in a constant battle between right and wrong, good and evil. Even a once noble person will turn to betrayal, greed, and guilt when deprived of their morals. The deprivation of morality and its effects reflect itself in William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Macbeth. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth were once noble people, but when exposed to the possibility of power and control, they turn corrupt, allowing their sinister thoughts to consume them. By portraying Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s loss of moral discipline, Shakespeare accentuates the calamitous corruption of human nature, and how ambition without moral constraints will lead …show more content…

During the Renaissance, witchcraft was highly praised and believed in. The Renaissance, “like many European cultures of the period, medieval Scotland maintained a belief in witches, including their ability to make prophecies and to affect the outcome of certain events” (The Historical Context of Macbeth). Humankind during the Renaissance believed witches could control one’s outcome; therefore, the witches were able to manipulate the fates of people. Likewise, in Macbeth, Macbeth’s belief in the three witches lead to his impending death. Macbeth was told by the three witches that “The power of man; for none of woman born shall hard Macbeth” (4.1.83). Macbeth trusts them and continues on to do as he pleases because he knows no one could harm him. However, his excessive confidence allows the witches to deceive him. He thought he would not fall until “Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill Shall come against him” (4.1.97), but the witches had twisted the truth and Macbeth is too arrogant to see the reality. Macbeth, who is excessively confident in himself, who allowed himself to be deceived, is ultimately killed by Macduff near the end of the play because of his overconfidence. By exhibiting Macbeth’s hubris, Shakespeare warns society when one is too confident, they will be blinded from reality, and it will lead to

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