Moonrise Kingdom

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The segment I chose is running from 0:37 to 05:31 minutes from the movie called Moonrise Kingdom. The movie tells an adventure about two 12-year-old kids called Sam and Suzy. And from the adventure we find that the director praises the children’s simplicity and the pureness of their love and ridicules the absurd and confused world that adults live in. The scene I chose shows various rooms in Suzy’s house, family members and the island that they live on called Island New Penzance. The beginning scene shows the keynote of the movie seems to be serious and dramatic. And the three elements I will examine are soundtrack,camera movement and costume. The first feature is the soundtrack. The main soundtrack played in the segment is The Young …show more content…

It shows all the separate parts of the orchestra and this is used to emphasise the separateness of Suzy’s family member. There are two close ups of Suzy when the whole orchestra is playing. The first close up was of Suzy’s left side of her face when the orchestra starts and this shows how calm and serious a 12-year-old girl is. With the whole orchestra created a serious tone and this combined with a close up camera shot helps to highlight the mood the director is trying to portray which undercurrent of feeling is nervous. The second close up of Suzy was when she watches the letter and this shows she has an expression of determination. Maybe her eye is reflecting the thoughts of leaving her family and it is time to go. The music used in this scene is still very …show more content…

The most significant camera is panning and tracking. There are four main panning and tracking scenes which runs vertically and horizontally. The four panning and tracking scenes show the separateness of the family members. It works with the soundtrack which I mentioned before. This method is used to show the audience that it’s a dysfunctional family. On the other hand, the four panning and tracking shots make the house look like a toy house. One thing before these four shots I noticed was there was a shot of a toy house which is in their house and it looks the same as Suzy’s house. This camera shot is used to help reinforce the theme that this family is dysfunctional as it suggests that they don't live in a real world. This also helps to later create the under-lying theme that young people love is pure, like a fairy tale. The colour used is a soft candle light gold creating a dreamlike view from a mid-shot camera angle. Every time Suzy used the binoculars a close-up camera shot was used to show a reoccurring message of Suzy wanting to get away from her family. This also shows her lack of security, possibly caused by her dysfunctional family. There is a close up of the letter which was in the mailbox, which shows Sam’s name. The drums played in the background creating and building a sense of mystery. In the introduction segment, cross-cutting was used.The cross-cutting has been used to play with audience expectation. This is

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