Monsters Face Today: A Personal Journal Analysis

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We are all surrounded by monsters in our daily life. Some monsters are temporary others are permanent; because all us have different monsters we each have a unique monster story. Throughout this journal I will speak about my monsters and monsters that our society faces today; the transition begins at Entry 4. My monsters vary from an animal, an idea, to an act. To some people my monsters may seem foolish but to me it's something that plays over and over again in my head. A couple of monsters that terrorize our society include depression, violence, and power. To get rid of your monsters you first have to understand them. Forgiveness is the key to peace of mind and to living a satisfying life. Entry 1: Snakes are evil. When I was little my …show more content…

I found this spot to be fascinating and exciting. It looked like a casino with no doors; it was amazing. People were having a good time some were drunk, others were high as a kite. In areas like these you should never go alone or stay very long so whenever I went I would go with my older brother Alex. Alex is strong, athletic, and has an intimidating large structure so I knew no one would be messing with me or him. However, these homeless people do not mind asking you for money or food. At the time I had just enough money to buy some ice cream for me and my brother. Plus I really didn’t feel like sharing with someone who looked like they were living just fine. However, there was one gentleman that asked who had something particularly odd about him. I thought it was just drugs but somehow I knew that was not it. After me and Alex walked passed dozens of homeless guys begging for spare change. We got our ice cream, stayed there for about an hour and then walked back. While, we were walking back we noticed there was a lot of commotion close to the bridge. Because me and my brother are curious and have to pass by that way anyways we figured why not take a look. As we approached we could see a body in the middle of the road. This is not strange in Colombia but there was something familiar about that body. I told alex to try to get closer to see if it was someone we knew. When he came back he said “It’s just the weird homeless guy that was begging for money earlier.” I immediately felt a cold chill and a sudden sentiment of guilt. I knew the guy probably died from hunger or some weird disease. As we walked back to the house I could not stop thinking what if we could of made this guys last moment the best moments of his life or at least enjoyable. This was one of the few times in my life I have realized that I treated someone else as the

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