Monopoly: Ruining Friendships

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Monopoly is known for “ruining friendships” however, it is a fantastic game to challenge young minds. Monopoly is made by the Hasbro game company. With the very first Monopoly game came out in 1935. “The Fast-Dealing Property Trading Game”, otherwise known as Monopoly, is a great game for society. Monopoly has many challenging components aside from just buying properties and passing go to collect your $200. Monopoly challenges kids to finances, patience, critical thinking, and life's surprises. One of the many skills that Monopoly challenges kids to is finances. There are many different ways that it happens. In this particular game finances have a wide range, everything from buying properties, selling properties, paying rent, and paying …show more content…

While playing this game, it can go on for a very long time (I once played for five hours). It is very difficult to have kids sit down for a length of time that goes over an hour. However, having patience in this particular game can be beneficial. If you wait, while covering your finances in a roundabout way, you can last in this game for a long period of time. This can be rewarding because you have a larger chance at winning the game. Les face it, you could be ecstatic if you won a five-hour Monopoly game. Next, a good reason to have a long life of patience, is because you can watch other people and try to figure out what they could do to you (yes, there is strategy in this game). Moreover, patience does not only have to do with waiting other opponents out and making sure you get all the cash in the game. It is also important due to the relation it has for real life. If you don’t have to wait for anything in the real world, it won’t be rewarding. Then, if you do have to wait for something, when you finally get the chance, it is very rewarding. Monopoly has the same perspective. If you wait long enough you can have an extreme reward. Rewards can be a multitude of things. Rewards can have to deal with: get out of jail free cards (or any good card), passing go and collecting your $200, having an opponent land on your space so they have to pay you rent and of course, winning the …show more content…

This may not be a clear and obvious lesson however, it does. In this game it is important to think in your head, what other opponents can do to you later in the game. More critical thinking could consist of figuring out what properties you would like to buy, or trying to figure out a way to get something from another player. Critical thinking can also link back to the other two points in this essay. Critical thinking can lead back to money in the way of rent. Also, it could lead back to the point of patience in the way of waiting to get what you want. At first glance, this game doesn’t exactly seem like the critical thinking type of game. However, when you get to playing it you really do see that there is a lot more thinking involved. It’s important to always keep your eyes and ears open during this game. Someone could slip up and say something that could be of benefit. Critical thinking is not only about trying to get out of something or trying to get something from another player. It also has a lot to do with what you are doing in the game. Before you take your turn, or while you are taking your turn, just keep your eyes moving to see what possibilities are head. You could try to see where you need to have money on the

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