Delayed Gratification Benefits

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Have you ever waited to do or get something in order to receive something better? Our thinking has been molded to the point where we think we can get what we want with no delay, which is a very dangerous path to go on. Delayed gratification is the ability to resist the temptation for an immediate reward and wait for a later reward that is usually of better value. Generally, delayed gratification is associated with resisting a smaller but more immediate reward in order to receive a larger or more enduring reward later. The benefits have been shown in Stossel’s video,brian kim's article “The Hidden Benefits of Delayed Gratification”and Alex Lickerman’s “The Power Of Delaying Gratification”.Delayed gratification can in fact lead to future success. Those that waited had a better life later on, didn't develope addictive problems and associate hard work with good rewards. One reason that delayed gratification can lead to future success is that those that used it had better lives later on. Those who delayed gratification did better in school and had better SAT scores by 200 points than those who did not. They …show more content…

Adults that could not delay gratification were more likely to struggle with drug and alcohol addiction(Lickerman). Other issues that were much more common were harmful actions. They were also more likely to have depression and do harmful stunts. Alcohol and drugs have a very large and unpleasant affect on people's lives. Tearing families apart and ending people's lives from overdose or harmful actions and even accidents that happened under the influence. If only they had a better sense of delaying their gratification their odds would've been much better and they may have never tried to do those corrupt things.The actions all were to feel good immediately instead of waiting for things to get better

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