Monologue Lord Of The Flies

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Why me? what did I do? I try to increase the chance of rescue, keep everyone safe and now I'm forced to hide in this dark, wet, jungle. I am absolutely terrified and I feel as though I am a small animal being preyed on by a gigantic beast. I can hear footsteps and quiet chanting in the distance; the noises are getting closer. All I can do is wait for my inevitable death. If it wasn't for that imbecile, Jack, I wouldn't be in this situation. In fact, we would probably be rescued by now. I try to increase the chances of rescue by telling jack and his choir to keep the signal fire burning. What does the asshole do? He goes on a rampage screaming kill,kill, kill . I realize that we needed food, but those morons forgot about what was important; …show more content…

What if Jack and I hadn't fought? Would Simon and Piggy have experienced the same, painful death? That intelligent, but weak and defenceless boy didn't deserve to die, I should have been crushed by the rock instead. When I stepped out of the mangled wreckage of our plane, I actually thought that rescue would come. I believed that with democracy, rules, order and teamwork, everything would work out. I thought that by trying to take care of everyone, they would do the same. I have nothing to believe in anymore. Humans are inherently evil and only the fittest of us can thrive in this world. Those who are inferior, such as me, are destined to suffer. The chanting is becoming louder and I can hear the bushes rustling in the distance. I've done the best I can to increase the chance of rescue, but now, after everything I've done to help, I am surrounded by savages, on this tiny island, hundreds of miles away from civilization. No one knows what is happening, rescue isn't coming, and evidently, we are forever forgotten. I can't help but wonder what Simon was thinking before and during his murder. What if he had made a discovery that could have reunited our tribe and brought peace to us all? Would I be in this position now? …show more content…

The ironic thing is that I am about to experience the same trauma and suffering as I have inflicted;I am a murderer, I have sinned, my soul is damned to the darkness of hell. To be honest, even if rescue came, I know that I wouldn't be able to live. I have seen the demonic force that powers human nature. All that society does is prey on the weak to gain power. I can't feel emotions anymore. If I returned to society, I would just be miserable; unable to form relationships, unable to love and unable to enjoy life in general. what is the point of life anyway? You compete for power, money, and resources while causing harm to others. You do the same monotonous things day in and day out, for years on end and gain nothing. That's all that life is, just a pointless competition. In the end, no one wins. There is only one fate, death! Oh sh*t, those idiots are getting closer! My only protection is the darkness of night and the dense jungle bushes that surround me. Of course, those little imbeciles had to choose to join Jack, after all I

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