Mongols Case Study

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Along with the Mongols superior military equipment, their military tactics allowed them to strike fear into and rain destruction onto their enemies. This was due to Mongols having battle plans, unlike European knights. When Mongols went to war each warrior had a specific role along with this they were able to adapt to their enemy since they were raised to solve unexpected problems. The Mongols were so well organized that they had a flag communication system on the battlefield, which would allow them to rally more support or let the others know to fall back. Their enemies on the other hand, such as the European armies they versed would simply charge at their opponent and face each other in close combat without a strategic plan or way of communicating. The Mongols also used warriors known as mangudai who were suicidal troops that would charge towards their enemies, result of Mongols being raised to be brave, and retreat back to the Mongol army. This was used …show more content…

As a result, the Mongols left a legacy of destruction by burning and pillaging civilizations some that stood for 350 years or more to strike fear into their enemies and to expand their empire. Soon rumors would spread contributing to the disorder Mongols caused since many Christian civilizations believed they served the antichrist resulting in disorder and panic spreading throughout many communities. Although, the Mongols would revolutionize trade once Genghis Khan took over the Silk Road the use of their military tactics, destruction of civilizations to expand their empire, and stories of the atrocities they committed would result in their legacy leaving behind destruction and disruption instead of a legacy of renewal and

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