Money And Money Essay

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Whatever your opinions are on the world, it can be certainly argued that this world runs on money. It’s what people work their whole lives to attain and even when it’s attained and one can live a suitable life with it, it’s still sought after as if it’s an endless chase of small victories. Money provides economic freedom and helps us achieve the products and services we want in life. The big question here is what should that money be able to buy? Should prostitution be legal? Should we be able to buy hitman to take away another souls life? These are the questions you have to ask when it comes to what money can buy and the morality behind it. I want to share my opinions on this topic because I believe that yes there are some lines that need to be drawn but for the most part, I am under the belief that money should be able to buy everything that you want as long as it doesn’t directly affect another human beings safety. Before I begin explaining my reasoning in what I’ll like to call the unofficial Social economics harm principal, I want to begin with a small personal moral belief if you hadn’t already guessed to what I follow based on this view. One …show more content…

Letting us make our own triumphs and mistakes and perusing our own sets of morality makes us human. It helps us to fulfill ourselves and reach for goals on separate paths. The only aspect to where I believe we shouldn’t have monetary is in the direct act of harming another person’s life. By that I mean in the purchasing of private military groups or hitmen. I believe those are the limits because that is where we can safely assume that it is wrong. Not only do you kill someone, but you purchase someone else’s death through the means of others and there’s no exception. War is going to happen in this world but I would not want to see the day where war is bought by opposing private militia

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