Mommy Monologue

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The warm blood slithers down my throat and I let out a smile as I revel in the scrumptious taste. After months of planning I finally got a new child to call my own and play with until I decide to get rid of her. I turn towards the pot where a delicious batch of eyeball soup is brewing, but pause for a second as the floor seems to move. I stay still to see if it’s just my imagination. I don’t have to wait long to feel the incessant pounding, which seemed to occur every five seconds, again. Deciding the soup could wait for later, I turn off the stove and head to the sink, lifting up the carpet to reveal the hidden cellar, accompanied by her screams. That little wench, she’s going to wake up the neighbours! I stand up, pacing around, attempting …show more content…

I made a new friend,” I exclaim, jumping up and down, my friend beside me. Mommy’s kind black eyes, that are identical to mine, dance with delight. Mommy leans down to get a closer look at the young man which I recently befriended, but he shyly ducks behind me, uncomfortable with the situation. Mommy frowns for a moment, but then turns back to me. “He should make a great friend Maggie, shall we invite him to our dwelling?” Mommy suggests. I turn around and gaze into his eyes, hopeful. He shuffles his feet from, but once he looks into my hopeful eyes he smiles and nods. I grab his arm and run straight to my house which is just across the street. I let go of his hand as we head into the basement, which I must admit has a rather strange entrance as it’s right in front of the sink. Once downstairs I playfully head into my playroom that has strange bars around it. He pauses for a minute before entering, causing me to feel self conscious. I bite my lip to suppress a frown, “Do you not like it?” “No, I love it,” he proclaims. I can tell he’s lying but don’t press him since he’s entering the room. After a few minutes of playing I notice Mommy enter as the door releases a loud moan. Mommy doesn’t join us in the caged room, but instead closes the door with bars causing my nerves to rise. “Maggie, I believe it’s time for your

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