Ana Monologue

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Fuck, now I sound like Grey and the way Ana looks at me proves it. “Please, Luke. I have been forced fed by Christian for three fucking years. I was waiting for you before ordering breakfast, so what do you want to eat?” I hear her voice waiver when she says Grey’s name and the reminder of how fresh Ana’s heartbreak is hits me hard. My own anger at Grey and Taylor have blocked my view of Ana’s wounds that must be wide open and bleeding profusely. I feel like a shit. “As long as I get coffee I do not really care what you order us and make yourself useful while I am in the shower by making sure that laptop and the burner phones are fully charged. Those are two things you can do that will make my life easier.” That comment garners another famous Ana Grey eye roll. I have always found it endearing and never understood why it pisses Grey off. “I think my 4.0 GPA can handle that, Captain. Go wash your ass,” Ana replies and bursts into a fit of giggles. …show more content…

I stand underneath the water and think about what Ana must be going through. She has not had time to process this clusterfuck and in my opinion, we are staying inside the Presidential Suite of The Hays-Adams Hotel because Ana is still in shock. I do not understand why she is putting herself through hell when she could simply walk away. Kate keeps arguing with Ana over this same idea and Kate told me that Ana’s exact response was that she is adamant to inflict bottomless pain on Grey. I agreed when Kate said that Ana is sacrificing her feelings and well-being in order to accomplish this. However, we both know that once Ana Grey has a bone between her teeth she will not let it go, even if the bone is torturing her. Kate is positive that her best friend lacks a sense of self-preservation due to her childhood

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