Molly Quinton's Sexism And Sports

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“Homerun!” A woman screams, a man looks at her and says ‘Do you know what sport this is? Puzzled as she responds” uh baseball.” “Ahh” he says rolling his eyes and looking the other way as she was speaking some sort of secret language. As most people know women are not heard in the same way as men are when it comes to sports. Molly Quinton wrote a essay titled “Sexism and Sports” that encourages others to take a look at just how sexists today's sports have become and how women are seen in a different way in. Exaggerating her knowledge of the sports Quinton uses her own experiences of being a female in a sports enthusiasts family to broadcast the view that men are questioning her knowledge and competency when it comes to sports, in her case baseball. She puts together repetitive acts that she has faced in order to draw the attention to the sexism towards sports and for a change to be persuaded on how everyone's standards are on women and any discrimination. …show more content…

“Baseball is a religion at home” (1). We know it's not a actually religion but knowing what we do on religions, they are in our cultural identity close to our hearts. Quinton relives her childhood as she uses metaphors to express her family's love of baseball. This background information she provides us helps us understand a sentimental connection between a sport and a female, so she can provide her purpose of the essay with real experiences. Her experiences have lead her to the conclusion that females are not treated the same as males “Even if a woman loves baseball, watches every game of her favorite team, understands and has enough knowledge to offer rational commentary, she is still not heard the same way as men are”(6). Her experiences here have lead her to primary examples of her main

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