'Modernism In Acquainted With The Night'

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Modernist Essay Modernism became known as an outcome of changes that happened in the years before, during and after World War I. Writers were found struggling to find new ways to produce art that reflected these massive changes, including technological advancements and devastation of the Great War. Writers began to take more chances when it can to style. Readers started to witness more literature with fragmented plots, rather than the respected stories with lucid beginnings, middles, and ends. Strange adjustments to time and order, perspective, point of view, form and new focus on irony were a few impacts the Modernist authors. For a first-time Modernist reader, these modifications can have the story seem like it is going absolutely nowhere. …show more content…

“I have outwalked the furthest city light” (Frost 3). The man has isolated himself from all possibilities of life, where he has found himself in a pitch black forest. “I have passed by the watchman on his beat / And dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain (Frost 5-6). The speaker is stating to not ask him where he is going, for he has no idea. He is forcefully describing he knows what depression feels like. However, as the title states he is familiar with the night and is almost at peace in the cold, dark and somber vibes of a forest during the night. The speaker has accepted the fact that he is so incredibly lost when wandering alone that he might as well become a friend of the …show more content…

The elderly are trapped in their old age and lose all flexibility of thought and ability of grow open to new ideas. e.e cummings indicates two different poems with the use of parentheses. The aspect of the poem relating to the older population is found closed in parentheses, symbolizing how the already are boxed in and closed off to new ideas. “old age sticks up Keep Off signs” (cummings 1-4). Old age will abide by the rules, where eon the other hand the young people enjoy being rebellious. The advanced in years are always aware of their limitations. “old age scolds Forbid / den Stop / Must / n’t Don’t” ( cummings 15-16). Old age will always be telling you what you can not do. It is almost a boundary that is permanently in your life once you adopt the unchanging ways of parochial older humans. The title provides an important clue to the poems overall meaning that there is no way to reverse the process of growing old and all that comes with

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