Modern Day Monsters

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“ The real world is where monsters are”, Rick Riordan states in the movie, Lightning Thief. Many people consider monsters as wicked malicious creature who haunt or torture others. Although this is true, monsters can also be found within the souls. Modern day monsters can be found within people, in stores, and in the real world. A common way to describe a modern day monster can be described within the soul and mind. Many people have a complex and confused mind. Stephen King states, “ I think that we’re all mentally ill; those of us outside asylums only hide it a little better- and maybe not all that much better, after all.” Monsters can overpower the mind. Many people struggle to listen to themselves, and they let their monstrous conscience take over their actions which will cause harm to them or people around them. It is common for people to battle monsters within their souls. Many people feel too weak to stand up and be free from …show more content…

There are countless stories involving monster and villainous creatures terrorizing people and places. Jorge Louis Borges describes his book by saying, “It’s a book of Imaginary Beings examines the origins of monstrous combination of human and animal.” This sheds light on how stories portray monsters through their content. Although many of their stories are different, they all tie around the same concept, which is torture and evil. There are many different types of modern day monsters. Some types of monsters can be clowns, ghosts, vampires, werewolves, murderous and foul people, and anyone or anything that means harm. There are some cases where monsters can change and overcome their derivable ways. For example, in American Horror Story: Season 4, the evil clown, Twisty, murdered and killed everyone he came into contact with; however, it turns out people made fun of him and he did not know any better. He then tried to change his evil ways, but karma caught up with

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