Mitali Perkins Research Paper

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Mitali Perkins is a Young Adult and Children’s novel author who has made a name for herself writing highly popular and critically acclaimed novels, which address several contemporary themes. Mitali Perkins was born Mitale Bose in Kolkata India to a Bengali father before she moved to the United States where she spent most of her childhood. However, the United States and India were not the only country she lived in, as by the time she was eleven she had lived in over five countries. Some of the countries that she lived in include Mexico, London, Cameroon, Ghana, and India, before the family settled in California. Given that she moved so much in her childhood, she knows about multiculturalism and identity issues, as she often was the new kid in …show more content…

Berkeley where she studied public policy and then political science at Stanford. After college, she went on to teach middle school, high school, and college before she began writing fiction. Unsurprisingly her fiction was about strong multicultural protagonists looking to promote justice or bridge different cultures. She has written over ten novels for young readers most of which have been published by Macmillan Children’s Books, Little Brown, Candlewick, Charlesbridge, and Penguin Random House. Besides writing, she loves to attend conferences to discuss themes such as the life changing power of storytelling, and books between cultures. She also teaches at the Saint Mary’s College of California as an Adjunct Professor. When she is not writing she has been pursuing her lifelong passion of traveling across the globe and the US, which have taken her to Newton, Southern California, Thailand, India, and Bangladesh. She is currently living in San Francisco Bay area with her husband who is a Presbyterian Church minister. During her free time, she loves to hike the Bay Area trails with her two Labrador retrievers, browse the bookstores and libraries in town, play tennis, and write on her …show more content…

Sameera Sparrow Righton a girl adopted by American political parents represents the feelings of being different felt by immigrants. Issues of how American one is crop up even as one can become American and still love their roots. The author asserts that the pressure is particularly higher and akin to racism, particularly when one is deemed a foreigner. However, the novels do offer narratives that are intended to provide advice on what to do in instances of high pressure. For instance, Sammy starts a blog to connect with her friends during the campaign period that makes for a good outlet for the high emotion. The novels also assert that multicultural person will often lead double or even triple lives that conform to what society expects of them. Such a scenario is clear in the life of Sammy who lives as Sameera a Pakistani girl that will never fit in, as Sammy the sophisticated and bubbly all American teenager to the American media, and as good willed and kind hearted teenage girl to her parents. In the end, the argument is that a person will find happiness when they decide to become themselves and accept that their personality and culture incorporates their multicultural

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