Mistakes In High School

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Middle school going into high school is a daunting time for teenagers. It's the time period where most of us make stupid mistakes that we later regret. Some mistakes haunt us longer than others. It's the time where we embarrass ourselves, because we don't have a care in the world. Luckily, I learned a life lesson through one of my embarrassing mistakes. Freshman year I decided to try out for the soccer team. I had never played a sport, let alone touch a soccer ball. About two weeks before tryouts I went out and purchased a soccer ball with all of the equipment needed such as cleats and shin guards. I began to kick the ball around and play with it. I didn't know any tricks or any specific way to kick the ball. I went out to my school’s soccer field and practiced shots on the goal. So I spent the next two weeks practice shooting and dribbling with the ball. …show more content…

The AC was on high because I was so jittery. I had my feet up on the dashboard trying to tie my cleats with my hands shaking. I frantically look around in the car and in my soccer bag to make sure I had everything. As I got to the school, I stepped out the car and took a deep breath and reminded myself everything was going to be okay. I kept trying to calm myself down. I get overly anxious and worried about everything. But, this was the time that over thirty girls were going to see how well I could play, with their little knowledge that I never played soccer

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